Online databases: design, build and operate

Tribal Systems has over 20 years' experience designing, building and operating online databases. We have considerable experience with MySQL, the world's most popular open source database.


MySQL is widely seen as the best database for web-based systems: it's free, fast, lightweight, easy to install, and widely supported. It is highly scalable, can store both tabular and no-SQL (JSON) type data. It can be operated in high speed and high availability systems.

We've even written the key SAMS' book on the subject, Teach Yourself MySQL in 21 Days!

While databases have evolved immensely over the past decade, the principles of SQL-based relational databases remain the same. But for some applications, no-SQL type databases have become more suitable. We take these factors into account whenever planning a database-type project.


Why use Tribal Systems for your online database?